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Multiphase' oscillations

Liberation of Integration through pattern, oscillation, harmony and embodiment (Part #15)

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The argument above has focused on two extreme states (models) between which oscillation occurs. As indicated in the discussion of Annex 2, combinations of states may be envisaged between which oscillation can take place. Some of these are 'damped' as discussed in a subsequent section.

In a three phase oscillation, for example, Model A would be replaced by Model B, to be replaced by Model C, replaced in turn by Model A. Namely a triangular configuration.

Many such configurations are possible and can be represented by 2- dimensional configurations. Note however that the longer the chain of models in a circular sequence, the more difficult it is to comprehend the sequence as a whole. An interesting example of a 64-phase sequence is that of the the sequences of changes associated with the Chinese I Ching (or Book of the Changes). It is unusual in that a justification for switching from one model to the next is given, thus implying a holistic perspective 'meta' to that which is explicit.