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Dynamic Reframing of "Union": Implications for the coherence of knowledge, social organization and personal identity (Part #2)

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In the case of the Union of International Associations, this may be seen as having been characterized by the intimate early relations that "UIA1" (through a "UIA0"?) had to the origins of the international classification sciences, especially through its close association (through Paul Otlet) with the International Institute of Bibliography (cf W Boyd Rayward, The Origins of Information Science and the International Institute of Bibliography / International Federation for Information and Documentation (FID), 1997). In the development of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), it is understandable that the "universal classification" of knowledge was a fundamental dimension of the early understanding of "union" -- employed by UIA1 through to the 1960s.

Breaking away from the UDC, this understanding was further developed within UIA1 in the light of the following:

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